Training is structured to address the specific operational environment and needs of the unit, agency, command or business.  Deliverables integrate best practices within the disciplines of speech, personality assessment (Generation 2), leadership, and  managerial psychology to foster improvement in all vocational settings.  Human Process Augmentation is utilized as a core component.


    Human Process Augmentation (HPA) is new, effective, and sought after by academia, government agencies, and the private sector.  HPA includes the Limbic Suppression method of treating fear of public speaking, faster than any other methodology in the world. In some case Limbic Suppression has been effective in dealing with other social anxiety disorders as a secondary benefit.  HPA also utilizes Generation 2 DISC the newest and most sweeping improvements in DISC since its inception in 1928 by renowned psychologist William Marston. When combined with HPA leadership these training regimens are unmatched and proven to be highly effective in both civilian and government environments.

    The new book, DISC: Generation 2,  by Patrick Guarnieri and Dr. Robert Rohm has recently been published and is available in all training using DISC.


    Certification in Human Process Augmentation is offered through the National Association of HPA Professionals.  Clients may receive basic or instructor certification training.  For organizations where confidentiality is critical, a unit, department, or division certification is available.


    We offer our Human Process Augmentation training and certification through The National Association of HPA Professionals.

    We also frequently deliver HPA training in concert with the University of South Florida, National and Competitive Intelligence Program and the National Cyber Partnership which are strategic partners offering all of our programs as well as those specialized for intelligence and cyber security students and professionals.